Gemstone mining is the process of searching for valuable gemstones and unique minerals hidden in various places worldwide, like mines, oceans, and even deep within forests. It's a tough job that involves a lot of hard work. Miners must put in immense effort to find exceptional gemstones and minerals. Because these valuable stones are often located deep within the earth or underwater, special techniques are needed to extract them. Here are some of the main methods:
1. Open Cast Mining In open cast mining, the top layer of soil and rocks is removed to access the gem-bearing rocks beneath. High-pressure water is then used to wash away the gravel containing the gems. This gravel is further cleaned with high-pressure water before being sent to processing plants. Open cast mining has been used for a long time and is still used in countries like Myanmar, Sri Lanka, the United States, and Brazil.
2. Underground Mining Underground mining is employed when gems are located in alluvial deposits or pipes deep underground. There are different techniques within underground mining:
Tunneling: When gems are found near the surface of rocks, miners create tunnels by blasting the outcrop. They dig deep into the gem-bearing rock using tools or explosives.
Block Caving: This method involves creating a network of tunnels from a main shaft deep into the earth, typically up to 600 feet. Explosives are used to br